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Previous seasons - July 30 - We had a nice crayfish boil yesterday with Terry & all the kids at the resort. Riley, Ian, Josh, Jamie and both Cams had a great day on the water, then Tim took everyone on a search for the local trout stream. Busy day, lots of fun.
Pictures of Cam fishing and the two Cams
The flower gardens really love the rain - this is my favorite picture - bee balm and lilys ready to open
June - Fun with Mark & friends - here is a great photo from Lou-
Welcome to spring! We had a great winter, lots of studying and lessons for Cameil, wonderful holidays! Hope you all had a special winter and are now ready to jump into the warm weather seasons.
On to the new season. We added Satellite TV to the north cabins - check out the rates page for a specific cabin. Rates page
We will be running specials here and on Facebook, as soon as we get over the learning curve. Follow the facebook link and become a fan for fast notification of specials.
We updated Birches this year, new picures coming soon. Everyone loves the new kitchen in Aspen, you will love it too, especially the new dishwasher!
Hope to see you all soon.
Last week of Summer is here already.....
So much to say! What a great summer - despite the cool weather and poor economy, we managed to get tan and pack in tons of fun time.
We had tons of fun with everyone who make it up this summer (hi from all of us!!) and have lots of memories - Risk tournaments in the great room, cooking parties in the big kitchen, party pontoon rides to the big lake for football and frisbee games in the water, diving contests to the raft, fish fries in the huge pans over the camp fire and lots of night swimming and star gazing and of course, when we could squeeze it in, fishing, biking, campfire building, kayaking, decade birthday parties, and more that I'm sure to be forgetting!!
This last week before school starts promises to be another whirlwind as we pack in horseback riding, another trip to Lake Superior to swim and walk along the waterfalls, canoeing on the Manitowish River, another bike trip on the fabulous Boulder Juntion trail, kids only fishing trip with Kim and Cameil for nonstop panfish action, soccer practice and to cap the week- a surprise party next weekend (no we can't tell you who it is for, what if that person reads the web page!!)
We were getting sentimental about the close of another summer season, really sad to think of great staff leaving soon and getting back to the school season routine, but we have decided to enjoy this last week of August with all of the gusto we can muster, hope you do also!! Have a great week, talk to you in the fall, The Resorters.
WOW is it green!
Happy June! The gardens and the trees have really popped, green is everywhere. The change from winter is always very dramatic, especially when things fill in - the pond and the houses on the lake disappear.
Cameil could not wait for her big 10 birthday and celebrated it by driving a boat legally by herself, with Pa along, of course. While they were out fishing for muskie, our two resident loons circled their boat and fished with them. Cameil, who loves to warble to them, was sure they were saying Happy Birthday to her.
We are gearing up for the summer season, with some minor setbacks - like the robin, who has made a nest on the 6' ladder hanging on the back of the shed, putting the ladder out of commission for a while!
Thank you to everyone who attended Cameil's party on Sunday and for bringing such joy to her life. It was great to see everyone again, hope we can do that again soon. Well, back to gardening and coffee. Have a great week.
Fishing Opener, Raking and Sunday thoughts about Truth -

There is something therapeutic about raking, at least that's what I keep telling myself. The reward for raking the flower beds is uncovering the spring bulbs we planted last fall, which are now up and so cute, tiny daffodils and some other little flower whose name we forgot to write down. The moss that lines the driveway, did I mention how long the driveway is, is bright green when the leaves that fell before that first snow are raked away and there is some really cool green “stuff” showing out the side of the hill that we are going to research for a science project this week. We have turkeys living by the pond now, and Copper & Chinook love scouting for them, then proudly prancing back for hugs with muddy paws!
Opener was blustery! Cool temps and very windy, I’m glad we waited to put boats in. If you missed it, don’t fret, think better days for being on the water are coming, because they are, it was brutal out there!! 60 today, 67 tomorrow and less wind.
Greetings to Scott and family, it was great catching up yesterday. Hope you can make it out this summer so we can further discuss how Truth gets covered up and never gets its day in court. Always disappointing to hear of another situation where humans, motivated by money, greed, and selfishness, commit such hideous acts, and based on their wealth and connections, get away with this behavior. But today, because we can only control our own behavior, we are off to replace the deck, bask in the sun and enjoy the company of our precious daughter, a good thing in this world. Hope you find a way to enjoy today also.
Piers are in! Ice is out and piers are in, well almost all of them. Rain today delayed things a bit. Hockey playoffs are providing lots of entertainment around here these days, as we wait for the ground to thaw so we can turn on the water to the cabins. Working on the web page also, let us know what you think. Later..
Sunshine on new snow -
Well, things are definitely looking up! The power is back on and the 14" of snow that we received starting on Sunday and lasting through yesterday at 3pm is already melting. Piers go in Saturday even if the ice is not out completely! Grab your shorts and sunglasses, spring is...dare I say...almost here?
Greetings to Dan-check the gallery page for pics of your fish! We are thinking of you.
Hi also to Joe, it was so nice hearing from you on Sunday. Here is a nice pic of you on the front dock:
Has spring sprung!! Birds are back, the sun is hot, the snow is almost gone. The lake is still frozen, but will be melting soon. Summer is almost here, plan your vacation today!! We have lots of information about activities in our area and love to help you plan your stay so you don't miss the best activities. Here are some planning tools:
For bike maps in our area, visit Vilas County bike trails.
To help with planning a fishing trip, use the following links for opening fishing dates, VHS rules and license information:
The hook-and-line game fish season opens May 2 on inland waters for walleye, sauger, and northern pike statewide. Northern bass zone opens for catch and release only from May 2 through June 20. The musky season opens May 23 in the northern zone.
Also read about the new VHS (viral hemorrhagic septicemia) rules aimed at stopping the spread of deadly fish disease. The new rules are currently in effect statewide. The rules aim to prevent the movement of infected bait minnows -- the main way VHS is spread to new waters -- and the movement of contaminated water. Anglers should visit the VSH prevention page of the DNR Web site to see how the new rules will affect them this fishing season.
Fishing licenses - Wisconsin residents and nonresidents 16 years old or older need a fishing license to fish in any waters of the state. Residents born before Jan. 1, 1927 do not need a license, nor do people who exhibit proof they are in active service with the U.S. armed forces and are a resident on furlough or leave. You can buy licenses and get information over the Internet through the oneline licensing center listed under our fishing page or by calling toll-free 1-877-WI LICENSE (1-877-945-4236).
12/6/07 Wow, snow!! It's everywhere and it's deep! Hope everyone had a great fall and Thanksgiving. We are gearing up for winter here in the northwoods. The ice is about 6" by the shore on the main body of the lake, not enough for anyone to venture across on yet, but we have been walking by the shore. Some nice walleyes have been caught through the early ice and of course, the early northern bite in Tim's secret spots is fabulous. Last deer hunt is this weekend and then the snowmobile trails open up on December 12th at 8:00 a.m. for Vilas county. We have been snowshoeing and sledding already, and plan to test the x-country trails out tonight or this weekend. Downhill in this powder should also be great. So....hand out gift cards and spend that shopping time on a quick vacation up north before the holidays. Now that the snow is here, we will update conditions more often.
7/26/07 July is almost gone. Lots of fun stuff this summer, swimming in Superior when the weather is blazing hot, bike rides and stops at special swimming spots, great camp fires with s'mores, jumping off the pontoon, and of course big fish (nice one by Tom this week). If you are still planning your vacation, call, we do have some openings in August. September is filling up fast, call is you have a specific weekend. Enjoy the rest of the summer! 5/28/07 Just 9 more days of school and summer begins! We have had sufficient rain to green things up and reduce fire danger down to low. The loons are back calling to the boaters and everyone else. Muskie season opened Saturday and we have already had guests who have hooked them, but not landed one yet. The walleye and crappie are post spawn and are very hungry! Summer is filling up fast, but we still have openings in June and some spots in July & August. Call if you have questions about a specific week or anything else. Now back to the rush to finish spring work so we can head out for a bike ride in this beautiful spring weather!! Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
3/12/07 It's SPRING. The snow is almost gone, the trails are done, the slush/water is knee deep on the lakes (we even went through with snow shoes on!) and the birds are singing! Thanks for a great winter season. Now it's time to think about the hot summer sun, breezes across the water, woodland bike trails, huge fish, family, great food, shopping, time to plan your summer vacation!! Call if you would like help setting up your daily activities or just to check dates. 3/2/07 Snow, snow & more snow! Excellent would be the word that comes to mind for all winter sports!! Don't forget that Sunday through Thursday you would think that the trails, for all sports, are waiting , groomed and ready, just for you!! It's a great time to be here. Not many weeks left in the season, plan quickly...
2/22/07 Just when things were looking bad! Snow forecast for all weekend, into next week. We need it! Remember March 4 is end of fishing for all but panfish, that's next weekend!! 1/29/07 Lots of great fishing and sledding last weekend. Flurries predicted for rest of week, with real snow accumulations on Saturday. Extreme cold temps this weekend should hold trails and snow, but bring warm gear. We do have some opening in the smaller units. 1/16/07 Reality - 2-3" of lake effect snow. Cold for the week with next chance of snow on Thursday (70%) and flurries for the rest of the week. 1/15/07 11am Yes, it snowed Friday, it snowed again last night and we are under a snow warning for today, with the most snow falling in our corner of the county (Vilas). Looks like up to 4 more inches today and maybe more tonight, hard to get the predictions straight, but we will update at the end of the snow. Cars were driving on the ice this weekend, so the ice is thick. The snowmobile trails needed this snow, but at least we had a base to work with. Just a reminder - most of our snow has been in Feb & March the last several years, so this is not too unusual. Everyone is geared up for Jan, but forgets March (spring down south does not mean no snow up north!!); we consider March the best month of winter up here, lots of snow, longer days, warm sun! The ski hills were in good shape yesterday and this new snow will help both downhill and cross country trails. The new snowshoes are here and ready to rent(finally!!); we had a great snowshoe hike on Saturday through the almost famous "Van Vliet Old Growth Forest Trust Lands" right here on the lake. We are always happy to put you in the great local spots for any of these sports and more than likely, happy to ski, snowshoe or fish with you!! Openings available right now for this weekend, 25% Sunday-Thursday.
P. S. Happy New Year to the Rottman family, thanks for the note! The fishing has been great, stop by when you are up! 1/12/07 2pm It's Snowing!!!! 1/9/07 Happy New Year! The ice fishing has been great!! The guys from Milwaukee found pike and walleye this weekend, someone caught a muskie (yes!) over the holiday, the kids had great fun with "Tom and the Giant Perch", and yesterday Frank & Julie couldn't keep 6 tipups rigged at once because the fishing was so hot. 10" inches of ice on the lake yesterday and the ice was popping and cracking last night with the cold temps, so there should be lots more soon. Not much snow on the ice, so it is easy to get around. The snow - we had 6 more inches New Years Eve, then it warmed up and got icy. Snow flurries are forecast for every day this week and snow on Sunday. Cross country trails are icy if groomed, but if you break trails, you can go. Downhill slopes are being groomed, but need some new stuff to freshen it up. Still openings for this weekend if you are ready to icefish, etc. Midweek is 25% off. We had a great time watching the games in the great room with the guys this weekend, not much that can beat outside all day and a roaring fire and a game at night. That's it for now, back to work on those resolutions!! We will update when snow conditions change. 12/28/06 Happy Holidays to everyone. This has been a strange fall and start to winter. The lake froze, then the weather warmed up and the ice started to shrink, now the weather changed and the ice is increasing. We have been ice fishing and the good news is that the sun has been out almost everyday, chasing away the short-sun-days blues. We had some snow, which has since melted, we will update you when the new stuff arrives. We have added rental snowshoes at the resort, so you will be able to hike through our woods right from the resort and when the snow gets deep on the lake, you will be able to get around quickly! Snow shoes are lots of fun, no learning curve at all, just strap them on and go! Remember we have lots of cross country and downhill skiing close by. Our 25% off mid-week winter specials start Jan 2, so plan your trip and give us a call. We have also started taking reservations for 2007 spring/summer/fall season. Happy New Year! 10/19/06 That was a quick leaf season! Lots of big fish so far along with the snow we received last week! Have you planned your winter trip yet? Need help planning next year? Give us a call if you need more information or help with dates. 9/14/06 Hi again, hope everyone had a great summer. We sure did, lots of great guests, new and old friends, wonderful weather, some huge fish (pictures soon on the new web page), impressive diving off of the pontoon (you know who you are!), great new Cape adventures and friends (we still need correct phone numbers) and of course, great food! Cameil is back to school and lessons, the farm is producing an abundance of produce just waiting for fall recipes, the leaves are starting to turn, Tim is out fishing at every opportunity and the Bears won! We had a great bike ride last Sunday and this weekend the colors should be even better. Fall discounts of 20% for all new bookings and boat rentals. So book your fall getaway today and come enjoy the Northwoods with us! We have an opening for hunting season if you haven't booked a place yet. Remember, Tim scouts around and put a group on the biggest buck in Vilas several years ago. We are also now taking reservations for next year. Book before the new rates are posted and receive this year's prices! 6/21/06 Summer is here! It was light until past 10 last night, the weather is in the 70's, just perfect days. Some nice bass and muskie this week, and plenty of them right off of the piers. If you are still planning your vacation, call us, we still have some openings in July and August. Have a great summer. 5/5/06 Opening weekend of fishing and the crappies are ready, right off of the pier!! Cameil is having a blast. The weather has been warm and dry, great for biking and hiking. We have had several great rides, with stops for hotdogs at the picnic areas along the trails. Canoeing and kayaking are exciting at this time of year also. Everything is so green again and that special shade of chartreuse is back on the trees as they leaf out. The loons and the rest of the bird world are back and lots of other wild life spottings. The albino deer, one of our special neighborhood residents, was in the same area for several hours of viewing on Wednesday. Well, back to cleaning and raking, getting the resort ready for our guests again. See you soon. PACKAGES AVAILABLE - Pick the one that triggers your interest: Biking (with or with out bikes) Fishing (with or without guide) Canoeing or Kayaking (with or without boat) Hiking and bird watching (please bring your own boots!!) Golf Combinations (one day of each) 4/4/06 Back from down south visiting. Great to see all of the relatives again after five years of being resorters, how time flies and children grow!! Up here, the snow is almost gone, but still 18" of ice on the lake. Highs in the 50's today and the rest of week, with plenty of sunshine. A great time to get out and enjoy yard work, spring smells and the returning birds! Weeks are booking up fast for the spring and summer. Please make your plans soon to get the week you want. If you are looking for a package, just let us know, we would be happy to customize one for you that leaves the planning to us and the relaxing to you!! Have a great spring! 3/23/06 Lots of snow on the ground, trails are iffy in lots of spots, 40's starting on Saturday. Ski hills are still open (and still pretty good!) and some cross country trails are still groomed, but icy and slushy in spots. Roads are clear, easy walking. The deer are herding up and are fun to watch crossing on the ice at sunset. The wolves were howling last night as the deer were crossing. Spring is around the corner, call about spring packages for fishing with our local guides. More posted on packages soon. 3/14/06 Just when you though the season was over -- A huge winter storm and major snow dump! 14-20" of new snow. Temps in the 20's all week. Openings available at spring rates. 3/8/06 Call before you make plans, conditions are deteriorating quickly! 3/3/06 - Lots of midweek snowmobile riders reporting trails everywhere are excellent, best they have seen in many years. More snow in Presque Isle than anywhere, even Hurley! The cross country trails are all groomed and in excellent condition. Ice Skating at Family Fun night tonight at the school. Almost out of winter time, but plenty of winter conditions still around. Some vacancies for this weekend, March sale - 40% off midweek!! Jump in the truck and head up..... Planning that summer trip yet? Remember biking, golf, fishing, boating, sailing, excellent food, camp fires, swimming, star gazing, goofing around with the kids; relaxation and family fun all surrounded by pristine forests and lots of history. Make memories with your vacation this year. Call for availability. 2/26/06 We had 10" of new snow Friday!! Total on the ground over 30". 2/20/06 Wow, that was cold! But a great weekend of sledding. Comments – “Trails good to very good, corners icy, some excellent trails.” “Haven’t seen trails up here this good before and I’ve been coming up since the early 90’s.” “Very good, icy corners, flat & hard, fast riding!” And congrats to our fishermen on the great ice fishing, can Tim put you on the fish or what!! Hope everyone arrived home safe & not too sore from all of that riding. Other notes – the slush/snow on the lake is frozen solid, walking, fishing, etc is easy again. Temps in the mid 20’s this week, with single digits at night. Snow flurries all week, snow on Thursday. Trails should hold solid. Remember 30% off on midweek rates, some availability yet for the coming weekend. 2/12/06 Trails were very busy over the weekend, but grooming should be caught up today. Saturday was a 5, today should be much better. Still a great base of snow, just in need of a touchup. Our local trails were reported as better than trails up north, kudos to our local groomers. Looks like continued snow and cold all week, can't beat that. March is approaching quickly, probably only 4 weekends left, plan now! 30% off midweek rates. The sun is staying out longer these days, more daylight riding and suntans all in one. Love that late winter in the northwoods. The fishing was great over the weekend. We went to a local fishing tournament and had a blast watching the friendly competition. Some slush on some of the lakes, so pack a pair of snowshoes. Never used snowshoes before? It is so easy, strap them on and walk. No learning curve at all and local rentals available. Cross-country skiing has been outstanding this year. Cold temps at night, upper 20's during the day. Constant refreshes of new snow and now the longer days. Fresh air and an exhilarating workout, life at it's best. Outdoor ice-skating at the local rink has also been wonderful. The cold night temps have kept the ice hard and fast. So much to do in the winter wonderland of the northwoods. Come out of hibernation early and head up for some winter fun. And after a day of fun, you can watch the Olympics to compare your skill level! 2/6/06 Trail conditions have picked-up in the last week to the best of the year! Our local clubs are doing their usual great job. We have been getting snow consistently for the last 7-10 days, giving us up to 30 inches on the ground in spots. Our temps have dropped and have frozen up much of the slush that has occurred on just about every lake in the northwoods. There will be continued cold all week and snow in the forecast for late in the week, setting-up another great riding weekend. Don't forget midweek if you are looking for quiet, quality riding! 1/4/06 Happy New Year!!! Great Northern action this week, nothing like a plate of fresh fish to start the new year!! Snowmobile trails are weak, but there is still lots to do up here while waiting for snow for the trails (looks hopeful for tonight.) The kids have been sledding all over as there is lots of snow in the undisturbed areas. The ski hills up north were great yesterday, with extremely light traffic. Pack a lunch (or we will for you) and head up for the day. We have $ off coupons for individuals or if you are bringing a group, we can setup a nice package for you. Another option is to plan a hike through the woods, just boots and a hat and you're ready!! Current conditions make hiking a breeze and you can really enjoy the scenery at a hiking pace. And at the end of the day, you can still cozy up to the fire!! Winter can really be fun when you get out and enjoy it! On a sad note, the previous owner, Forbes Taylor, passed away in December. Our condolences to his family.